With “Shark Week” coming up, a lot of you are probably dreaming about what it would be like to be part of the show. How would it feel to come face to face with a great white shark? How awesome would it be to show your friends a movie of you experiencing a “real shark week“?

Well, you can make that dream a reality. We have 2 special film expeditions to Guadalupe coming up on September 4-9 and 9-14-2014. Peter Kragh, Emmy Award winner 2013 for Outstanding Cinematography on Nat Geo’s “Untamed Americas”, who was also part of many “shark week” specials, is leading those expeditions. He will film you with those great white sharks and show you the tricks of the trade. Just imagine how awesome it will be to experience these amazing creatures in the water, and have a movie to show to your friends. It will be an experience of a lifetime with memories you’ll never forget. The next time you’ll talk about “shark week”, you’ll be telling your friends about the time this shark swam by and looked you straight into the eyes.
Peter Kragh |
In addition to filming for “Shark Week”, Peter was also part of the following productions.
Secret life of Predators / National Geographic
Under the Sea 3D / IMAX 3D
Life / BBC
Deep Sea 3D / IMAX 3D
Planet Earth / BBC
Valley of Sharks / Living Oceans Foundations
Hubble 3D / IMAX 3D
Wild Wild West / National Geographic
Reef Wranglers / Gurney Productions / Discovery
Humpback Whales / IMAX / MacGillivray Freeman Films
Black December /Gurney/Discovery
Shark City / Gurney/Discovery
Battle of Giants, Off the Fence / National Geographic
Jurassic Arctic, National Geographic
Ultimate Guide to Shark Attacks / Gurney/Discovery
Transparent Ocean, Burning Gold/National Geographic
I’m Alive, Gurney Productions/Animal Planet
Inside Natures Giants, Windfall Films
Blue Planet / BBC
Peter will be sharing his professional knowledge and help you create your very own “shark week special”. Learn some tricks of the trade and get tips on how to shoot and edit your movie.
This is an amateur video from last season. Just imagine how much better your video will be, with Peter’s professional help.
September is the best time to see the greatest numbers of sharks at Guadalupe Island. You’ll see some of the big boys like “Bruce”, “Jacques”, “Bite Face” or “Chugey” along with many others. They love to come close to the cages and look you straight into the eyes. I’ll never forget the first time a great white shark (Shredder) did that to me. It got me hooked on shark diving and after 14 years, I’m more excited than ever to go back and see who’s going to be there.
The price for this experience of a lifetime is $3300 and is all inclusive. On top of Peter’s professional help and advise, you’ll be pampered with sumptuous meals from chef Mark and the crew will do everything they can to spoil you on your 5 day expedition to Guadalupe Island. We even include a free GoPro rental and of course your own trip movie. The only “extras” we have are the tip for the crew and any shark diver gear you may wish to purchase.
For more information or to reserve your spot, call us at 619.887.4275 or toll free 855.987.4275 Email staff@sharkdiver.com
Let’s go have a “real shark week”!
Martin Graf
CEO Shark Diver
About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at staff@sharkdiver.com.