After the movie “Jaws” came out in 1975, a lot of people were afraid to even enter a pool or a bathtub. Who knew that one could actually find a shark in a pool?
Check out this story. A shark found in a swimming pool! According to an article in Florida’s “Sun Sentinel” Nicole Bonk found a 5 foot blacktip shark in a pool.
Blacktip shark ©Martin Graf |
“Nicole Bonk was visiting friends at the Mariner’s Cay condo the week before last when she saw two boys carrying the five-foot blacktip shark, with hooks in its mouth, and dump it into the pool at around 11 p.m.”
She and her husband pulled the shark out and carried it to the Intracoastal Waterway, where her husband held the shark by the tail in the water so it could try to flush out the chlorinated pool water. Then they released it.
“We tried to revive him but he mostly likely did not live,” she said. “He was barely moving after the trauma. We did our best to try to save this creature.”
It’s really disturbing that these kids had so little regard for a living creature. I’m glad that Nicole Bonk and her husband tried to save the shark and hope that it survived.
This story shows that human beings are both capable of cruelty and compassion. I’m glad that the “Sun Sentinel” focused it’s article on those issues and not on trying to scare people into thinking they have to be afraid to enter a pool.
I hope that they find the kids who did this and teach them that this is not acceptable behavior.
She reported the incident to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, but no officers arrived until the following morning.
“These two kids, they came back from fishing and threw this half-dead creature into the pool as a prank,” she said. “They left the shark in the pool to die. I think they’re terrible children because it’s animal cruelty.”
The wildlife commission is investigating the incident and attempting to find evidence from video security cameras around the pool.
Martin Graf
CEO Shark Diver
About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at