This season has started out completely different from the last. Where we had lots of juvenile females early last year, this season it has been all males so far. On our last expedition, we saw 30 different Great White Sharks, with 6 of them being first timers.
The Marine Conservation Science Institute marinecsi.org is keeping the photo ID database and you can contact them if you are interested in naming one of these sharks. I don't want to keep referring to them as "Unknown 1" etc. Naming a shark is a great way to support the research and how cool would it be if you see "your" shark on sharkweek?
The only female we have seen so far this season is "Screaming Mimi". She is as active and curious as she was last year and has given our divers many memorable moments.
Aside from all the new sharks, we have also been visited by a lot of our regulars. Bruce, Bite Face, Chugey, Andy, Hunter, Silent Hunter Bolton, Ace, El Diablo, Johnny, Jacques, Mickey, Sad Face, ChumChum, Thor, Atlantis, Drogin, Joker, Monkey, Hooper, Horizon along with a few that are as of now unnamed, have all made an appearance. We had 30 different individuals on our last expedition!
Here are a few of our new sharks.
To sponsor one of these beauties, contact MCSI here.
To join us on one of our expeditions, contact crew@sharkdiver.com or call 619.887.4275
Let's go shark diving!
Martin Graf
CEO Shark Diver
About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at staff@sharkdiver.com.